
Tel: 01473 219138
Last inspected: 15 Feb 2016
Web: Church's Bar & Bistro Website
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Nearby Station: Ipswich Station (0.6 miles)
Nearby Station: Derby Road Station (1.1 miles)
Nearby Station: Westerfield Station (1.4 miles)

Situated: In the centre of Ipswich on the corner of Hatton Court and Tower Churchyard. Walk from the Cornhill, turn left beside MacDonalds into Hatton Court and Church's is on the far corner. Or, Walk down Tower Street from the Electric House. Tower Churchyard is near the end of Tower Street on the left. Walk along Tower Churchyard for approximately 40 metres and Church's is on the right.

Opening Hours:

10.30 - 15.00Mondays and Tuesdays
10.30 - 23.00Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

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